As something of an introduction to this particular post under the overarching heading 'Fleshing it Out' I would like to enter this terrain through a ‘side door’, if that makes sense, and so – here it is; ‘should a man embark upon the ministry before he has it all together?’
Now that is a very open-ended…very broad and relative question, in one sense. What do I mean? Not, of course, perfection...otherwise no pastors till glory (and when I say pastors I mean elders too - really the same office) will ever or have ever been ready or fit for office…and this cannot be the case, as God counts fitness in the lists of requirements He Himself gives in His Word (some do qualify!).
Further, I'm not really concerned in the asking with the character aspects...this is a vital study and of supreme importance, but I have another aspect of the ministry in mind as I think and write.
The subject at hand is one of an ethical nature. But even there it has as its root concern the whole matter of sound doctrine which, contrary to some of the (perhaps all [?]) 'Emerging' guy’s opinions, always leads to orthopraxy (sound living).
The trigger thought that plagues me is simply this: In pastoral counselling we will face many challenging questions. For instance, may a woman pursue the pastoral ministry? Should we marry a Christian with an unbeliever? Is divorce ever okay in God's eyes...and, either way; is re-marriage permissible at all if the ex-spouse is still alive? How far is too far in ‘dating’? Dating? What if homosexuals have 'married' and then get do I guide them through these almost uncharted waters?
These are random ‘off the cuff’ selections, but the point is made. Back to my question…having now something of a context within to place it…’may a man become an elder before he is clear on these matters?’ (My wording will change throughout as I restate myself for the purpose of clarification)
Again, one may rush in to answer 'of course'! But wait a minute! We as pastors of God's flock will give an account...we have a stricter judgment! We may not plead 'Lord, Lord we only knew a little...surely You understand'! And if we were to do so God's response will be 'then why did you embark on this task without being ready? Oh, I see, seminary came to an end and you needed a job...and so you used the church and filled an office with premature service! Depart from Me!'
What am I getting at?
I actually have myself under the spotlight as I write and that with regard to the whole matter of divorce and re-marriage, as a case in point. It seems as if everyone I study has it ‘all together‘ on this matter...only thing is they almost, to the man, differ one from another! Now without opening a can of worms or argument on this particular issue...which, as far as I'm concerned, is of the most difficult in the entire Bible, I simply wish to highlight the fact that our congregations trust us to, of all living people, shepherd them in this whole matter!
Must these poor souls go to ‘CUM’ or even a real Christian bookstore like’ Augustine Books’ or ‘Good Neighbours’ to find their paper pastors to answer their questions? This would mean that we negate our duty...our chief duty, and 'delegate’ their shepherding back to themselves...without having developed hermeneutics, in most cases…without a full doctrinal framework with that!
This is not on! This is wicked! This is WRONG however you slice it!
Before a man enters the eldership, I believe, he must have firm handles on such matters! He is entering the realm, of shepherding...and that to ‘green pastures and still waters’…not ‘garbage’...’but at least he is employed’!
Our current pastors must get their acts together! We must break the chain of ignorance and study, grapple, sweat and weep till we land with conviction upon such matters so as to ensure a new (ancient really) breed of men to lead God's people into the future!
This is because we are the shepherds of the Churches, those who God holds accountable - chiefly. It is His precious flock that is under our charge! These are real lives, with real issues facing them! Dare we quickly take this office to ourselves and risk leading them astray with their one chance at life in this world? We are handling the most precious cargo imaginable!
The churches are the lampstands...light bearers! Light and truth are synonymous! Oprah doesn’t have the light! Dr Phil is sorely lacking! Only the Church of our Lord Jesus has the real answers to the vital issues facing mankind...from the one and only true and living God's perspective.
As Elders we must know the Bible in such a way that we are able to live it and train others in it. This means that we must be mature men of God before we embark upon this sacred office of Shepherd!
This may be impractical in our what! I'm not suggesting for a moment that we have fully arrived on every issue...but that we are well convinced on that which is revealed so as to make carefully weighed judgments regarding the application of theses doctrines in each unique ethical situation. The same texts interpreted the same way must form a basis for a multiplicity of practical out-workings...this is it!
Again, my question; ‘may a man enter into the office of elder/pastor without first having such wisdom or handles on the truth?’ I, to my own shame, would say, decidedly so, absolutely not!
There is no question here! Be ready first! Don’t get ready over time! Get ready over time...yes...time before! Not perfectly so, but at least principally so!
Just some thoughts drawn from my own embarrassing life experiences that are sadly due to my lack of proper preparation for this terrifying, glorious, sober, satisfying calling to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with his own blood!
God help us all!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
The pains of childbirth/Hold fast what you have
This is the first opportunity for me to put to pen that which I discern to be God's will for us as a church family specifically at this present moment in time, and that in view of His Word preached to us, as His people, this Lord's Day.
This morning I preached from Romans 8:18-25 and my message was entitled 'Assurance of Glorification' (part 3), subtitled 'The Pains of Childbirth'.
The gist of the matter was that our present sufferings (all inclusive sufferings in that) are, albeit real and at times significantly difficult to bear up under, not worth comparing to our ultimate state of salvation, namely our glorification.
That said, Christ however most definitely sympathises with us in our sufferings and loves and comforts us in and through all our traumas and tragedies. He is a High Priest who knows the depth of pain and agony...indeed the suffering of hell itself (on the cross).
Paul too is no 'ivory tower' theologian. His intense heartaches are recorded in the 11th chapter of 2nd Corinthians and verses 24-29.
This is said so as to affirm the fact that our pain is both real to God and that He is not saying to us 'build a bridge and get over it'...on the contrary, he is calling us to, in the full view of our most painful plights, ‘zoom out’, as it were, and see the big picture...the heavenly perspective! Don’t think this world promises health, wealth and comfort on every turn...if you do you will be horribly disappointed.
God promises pain! He doesn’t allow it, no ways! (Who is writing the book anyway?) He ordains it! Everything in the most absolute sense of the word is from His own sovereign hand and is for our ultimate good and His absolute glory!
'I don't know what God is doing, but I know that God is doing, and that God is good!'
There is purpose in our pain, Hebrews 12:3ff affirms this to the hilt..."that we may share in His holiness".
This evening I unpacked Revelation 3:7-13. 'The Letter to the Pastor of the Church in Philadelphia', subtitled 'Hold fast what you have'.
The thrust of the matter could be put forth as follows: This church was made up of sincere, genuine saints and Christ has no rebuke for them. This in no way says they were perfect...but highlights the fact that Jesus isn’t ‘nit picking' at every little blemish. He affirms their genuineness and expresses His love for them. He says their enemies, who, although claiming to be Jews, are in fact spiritual Gentiles and will, through the open door He has provided (having the key of David), prove this by coming to them and bowing down at their feet - referencing Isaiah 45:14; 60:14 etc. They will know that the church is the fulfilment of Israel's promises and, while not replacing 'national Israel' is Israel 'through the cross'! He tells them that He is going to sustain them through the coming trial. He calls them to hold fast what they have or they could lose it.
What does this mean for us in a nut-shell? Basically, we are, many of us - like those in Philadelphia, sincerely seeking to honour Him in our lives and service. And so we, if that be the case, can extract real encouragement from His words. But this not so as to ‘sit back and chill out’! Rather to heed His challenge to ‘hold fast what we have received from Him’ till the end!
And so, God is saying, without sounding too prophetic, I hope, that we as a church family (KBC) must expect trials and embrace them as God's loving, 'hand maidens' to the end of our Christ-likeness, and with that to cling tenaciously to what He has given to us...until we see Him ‘face to face’!
God bless and keep you all!
This morning I preached from Romans 8:18-25 and my message was entitled 'Assurance of Glorification' (part 3), subtitled 'The Pains of Childbirth'.
The gist of the matter was that our present sufferings (all inclusive sufferings in that) are, albeit real and at times significantly difficult to bear up under, not worth comparing to our ultimate state of salvation, namely our glorification.
That said, Christ however most definitely sympathises with us in our sufferings and loves and comforts us in and through all our traumas and tragedies. He is a High Priest who knows the depth of pain and agony...indeed the suffering of hell itself (on the cross).
Paul too is no 'ivory tower' theologian. His intense heartaches are recorded in the 11th chapter of 2nd Corinthians and verses 24-29.
This is said so as to affirm the fact that our pain is both real to God and that He is not saying to us 'build a bridge and get over it'...on the contrary, he is calling us to, in the full view of our most painful plights, ‘zoom out’, as it were, and see the big picture...the heavenly perspective! Don’t think this world promises health, wealth and comfort on every turn...if you do you will be horribly disappointed.
God promises pain! He doesn’t allow it, no ways! (Who is writing the book anyway?) He ordains it! Everything in the most absolute sense of the word is from His own sovereign hand and is for our ultimate good and His absolute glory!
'I don't know what God is doing, but I know that God is doing, and that God is good!'
There is purpose in our pain, Hebrews 12:3ff affirms this to the hilt..."that we may share in His holiness".
This evening I unpacked Revelation 3:7-13. 'The Letter to the Pastor of the Church in Philadelphia', subtitled 'Hold fast what you have'.
The thrust of the matter could be put forth as follows: This church was made up of sincere, genuine saints and Christ has no rebuke for them. This in no way says they were perfect...but highlights the fact that Jesus isn’t ‘nit picking' at every little blemish. He affirms their genuineness and expresses His love for them. He says their enemies, who, although claiming to be Jews, are in fact spiritual Gentiles and will, through the open door He has provided (having the key of David), prove this by coming to them and bowing down at their feet - referencing Isaiah 45:14; 60:14 etc. They will know that the church is the fulfilment of Israel's promises and, while not replacing 'national Israel' is Israel 'through the cross'! He tells them that He is going to sustain them through the coming trial. He calls them to hold fast what they have or they could lose it.
What does this mean for us in a nut-shell? Basically, we are, many of us - like those in Philadelphia, sincerely seeking to honour Him in our lives and service. And so we, if that be the case, can extract real encouragement from His words. But this not so as to ‘sit back and chill out’! Rather to heed His challenge to ‘hold fast what we have received from Him’ till the end!
And so, God is saying, without sounding too prophetic, I hope, that we as a church family (KBC) must expect trials and embrace them as God's loving, 'hand maidens' to the end of our Christ-likeness, and with that to cling tenaciously to what He has given to us...until we see Him ‘face to face’!
God bless and keep you all!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Deliberate discipleship
What do you believe about...? What are your current, to date, ideas regarding...? Have you you believe her...I'm not convinced…you?
Such questions are part of the fabric of all relationships among rational beings. These are easily discerned in all spheres of life from breast feeding to baking to Calvinism to circumcision. Evolution is a case in point. Abortion, another, home-schooling, a third, thatch roofs, Michael Jackson, Barbie or not Barbie...that is the question! You touch it, even by fluke, and one asks it instinctively as a reflex of intelligence.
These random ‘blurbs’ are flushed out of my cranium simply to illustrate the omni-cross-sectional canvas upon which the great 'what's', 'why's' and…not to forget, 'how's' manifest themselves.
Now if this is so, which is at least the case in most cases...wouldn’t you agree (?) (Even the question proves the comment/in the asking is the answer – either way, case sustained), then surely with respect to the most truly fundamental realm of life we must be satisfactorily assured of what we believe. This is heightened by the fact that God has not left us to our own vain imaginations, guess work and human philosophies but, on the contrary, has fully revealed to us, for our good, and His glory, all that we should ever require information on. He has given us a full and ever relevant Word from heaven. This is alone found in the 66 books of the protestant Bible. Not the demonic ‘Jehovah’s Witness’ version...or some other diabolical deviant, but the plain well translated Word of God (ESV, NASB, NIV, Holman’s etc.)
We are to know this Book of books! We must have healthy, working handles on the Canon that God has given or we are tempting deception and well deserving of it. Show me a man or woman who hardly studies the Scriptures and I will show you a fool who will be Satan's toy or worse...his tool!
I say all this to venture across into some pastoral (Theologically so) desires I have had for some time now. That is to prepare a questionnaire of sorts which simply asks of the membership of our church family what they currently understand about x, y & z. Matters reaching from creation, in general, to some controversial aspects within this field of revelation, all the way across to matters pertaining to eschatology and the different questions around this sacred topic…one, indeed, that has suffered and continues to suffer terrible abuse. This questionnaire can ‘reach into the pockets’ of application and so ethical issues in that...’can a divorced man become a pastor’? For instance! If not/so ‘can you substantiate your answer with the Bible’? Do you watch TBN? If you do, then which preacher is your favourite and why? Or which witch is which? (No jest intended).
All these are matters that would quite well expose something of where they are really at, at this particular place in time. These forms would need to have their names on them so as to be a means to improved pastoral ministry and, so, a starting point in quality visitation and other like personal service to the Body.
We would not disclose the personal findings outside of the eldership (even with our wives) and so this would, assuming trust is intact, be a way of heightening pointed ministry or as my faithful brother Mike often words it...'deliberate discipleship'!
Theology matters...cannibal’s need Calvinism...tracts won’t cut it in the crisis’s of real life! We need every word that proceeds from the mouth of God!
Random ramblings...raw but real!
Praise Jesus for our eternal, irreversibly imputed, righteousness!
Such questions are part of the fabric of all relationships among rational beings. These are easily discerned in all spheres of life from breast feeding to baking to Calvinism to circumcision. Evolution is a case in point. Abortion, another, home-schooling, a third, thatch roofs, Michael Jackson, Barbie or not Barbie...that is the question! You touch it, even by fluke, and one asks it instinctively as a reflex of intelligence.
These random ‘blurbs’ are flushed out of my cranium simply to illustrate the omni-cross-sectional canvas upon which the great 'what's', 'why's' and…not to forget, 'how's' manifest themselves.
Now if this is so, which is at least the case in most cases...wouldn’t you agree (?) (Even the question proves the comment/in the asking is the answer – either way, case sustained), then surely with respect to the most truly fundamental realm of life we must be satisfactorily assured of what we believe. This is heightened by the fact that God has not left us to our own vain imaginations, guess work and human philosophies but, on the contrary, has fully revealed to us, for our good, and His glory, all that we should ever require information on. He has given us a full and ever relevant Word from heaven. This is alone found in the 66 books of the protestant Bible. Not the demonic ‘Jehovah’s Witness’ version...or some other diabolical deviant, but the plain well translated Word of God (ESV, NASB, NIV, Holman’s etc.)
We are to know this Book of books! We must have healthy, working handles on the Canon that God has given or we are tempting deception and well deserving of it. Show me a man or woman who hardly studies the Scriptures and I will show you a fool who will be Satan's toy or worse...his tool!
I say all this to venture across into some pastoral (Theologically so) desires I have had for some time now. That is to prepare a questionnaire of sorts which simply asks of the membership of our church family what they currently understand about x, y & z. Matters reaching from creation, in general, to some controversial aspects within this field of revelation, all the way across to matters pertaining to eschatology and the different questions around this sacred topic…one, indeed, that has suffered and continues to suffer terrible abuse. This questionnaire can ‘reach into the pockets’ of application and so ethical issues in that...’can a divorced man become a pastor’? For instance! If not/so ‘can you substantiate your answer with the Bible’? Do you watch TBN? If you do, then which preacher is your favourite and why? Or which witch is which? (No jest intended).
All these are matters that would quite well expose something of where they are really at, at this particular place in time. These forms would need to have their names on them so as to be a means to improved pastoral ministry and, so, a starting point in quality visitation and other like personal service to the Body.
We would not disclose the personal findings outside of the eldership (even with our wives) and so this would, assuming trust is intact, be a way of heightening pointed ministry or as my faithful brother Mike often words it...'deliberate discipleship'!
Theology matters...cannibal’s need Calvinism...tracts won’t cut it in the crisis’s of real life! We need every word that proceeds from the mouth of God!
Random ramblings...raw but real!
Praise Jesus for our eternal, irreversibly imputed, righteousness!
Friday, June 24, 2011
The prospect of 'pre-leave'
It has been about 4 months since we had a break, as in a holiday/time off on an official basis. I think we are starting to feel it as a family...each of us in our own right.
I have been talking to some of my friends regarding how long, in a healthy situation, a person should go without some leave and there seems to be no landed consensus. It would seem to me that 4 months is long enough...perhaps just right...but this is highly subjective and perhaps unique to the way we function as both a family and church family. I don't know.
Then there is the whole matter of how long to take off in succession. Should you use up all your leave in one go? Or should you spread it out a little? People say the ‘3 week thing’ usually, but what if you only have 3 weeks...then I guess option A above will come to the fore.
I have an idea that I would like to implement the next time I take off.
Due to the way I'm wired, I can’t ‘let go’ unless things are in order, and so I would need to take some ‘pre-leave’ ministry time first. Meaning a week leading up to my leave (and that for 10 days) take time off preaching and so prep as well, and focus on other also essential ministerial planning and 'tidying up' as it were.
For instance: Who will we ask to be our Family Camp speaker in 2012? What about our Year for Life 2012 program? We are in the process of putting together a web page, but I need to write a brief synopsis on each of the ministries as well as other matters pertaining to this. etc. etc. Besides curve ball counselling needs that usually fill this time in providence!
This means that by the end of this week of ‘weaning off’ ministry, but still working, and that including someone else to preach on the weekend following, of course, I will be able to ready myself for a proper break. True time off!
If I was to do this then I would return to a ready and waiting 'desk' that is up to date and craving my return.
Sounds good in theory...lets ‘surf this wave’!
I would value anyone’s response to this - especially with regard to the practical matters about how long before a break is healthy and other time factors...but not to limit anyone!
God bless.
I have been talking to some of my friends regarding how long, in a healthy situation, a person should go without some leave and there seems to be no landed consensus. It would seem to me that 4 months is long enough...perhaps just right...but this is highly subjective and perhaps unique to the way we function as both a family and church family. I don't know.
Then there is the whole matter of how long to take off in succession. Should you use up all your leave in one go? Or should you spread it out a little? People say the ‘3 week thing’ usually, but what if you only have 3 weeks...then I guess option A above will come to the fore.
I have an idea that I would like to implement the next time I take off.
Due to the way I'm wired, I can’t ‘let go’ unless things are in order, and so I would need to take some ‘pre-leave’ ministry time first. Meaning a week leading up to my leave (and that for 10 days) take time off preaching and so prep as well, and focus on other also essential ministerial planning and 'tidying up' as it were.
For instance: Who will we ask to be our Family Camp speaker in 2012? What about our Year for Life 2012 program? We are in the process of putting together a web page, but I need to write a brief synopsis on each of the ministries as well as other matters pertaining to this. etc. etc. Besides curve ball counselling needs that usually fill this time in providence!
This means that by the end of this week of ‘weaning off’ ministry, but still working, and that including someone else to preach on the weekend following, of course, I will be able to ready myself for a proper break. True time off!
If I was to do this then I would return to a ready and waiting 'desk' that is up to date and craving my return.
Sounds good in theory...lets ‘surf this wave’!
I would value anyone’s response to this - especially with regard to the practical matters about how long before a break is healthy and other time factors...but not to limit anyone!
God bless.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Setting the scene
For want of a broad title I selected 'musings' and in this first of several such contemplative posts I would like to kick off, as it were, with something of a road map - setting the scene as to where I am going with this blog and so why I am starting one in the first place.
It has been a long nursed desire of mine to have a forum where I could record my thoughts and where they could serve, at the same time, by God's grace alone, to edify others as well.
In this blog I will include a 'KBC Compass' wherein I will, from an expositional perspective, noting well the prophetic/providential dynamic to ministry, seek to discern what God is 'saying' to our particular church family, at this particular time, in our particular pilgrimage heavenward. That is to say that I will take the Lord's Day messages - the 'heartbeat of the day' - and highlight these so as to make myself accountable, as a pastor, as well as us as a local church family.
Just in case the word 'prophetic' (above) is causing any 'heartache and pain', as it could, and perhaps should so in view of the rampant modern abuses with respect to this whole matter, allow just a brief explanation. What I am seeking to emphasize is not some new or direct revelation, not at all! All I wish to emphasize is the fact that we serve the living God and that He is in complete control of His churches. He walks among us and speaks to us 'today' in the faithful exposition of His once for all given - and that perfectly so - Word. Simply what I am getting at is that God is speaking to us each week as a particular local expression of His universal Body. Each Lord's Day there is something special from God for us personally. It is perhaps best illustrated in that even the best of sermons on a CD or even DVD cannot replace the holy, prophetic, providential, unique, special, romantic, intimacy that occurs when the bride and her Groom converse in sacred samplings of eternal ecstasy. There is a living aspect to our worship. I, again, have no concern for a 'goose-bump' pseudo theology. What it is that I am seeking to magnify is that God speaks in time and space through His Word soberly and prayerfully proclaimed - using all the rules of sound hermeneutics and an orthodox, propositional, approach to the Bible.
Well that will be the 'KBC Compass'.
I would also like to include in this blog a recurring, albeit somewhat sporadic, entry entitled 'Theology Matters' - obviously a play on the word 'matters'. Theology both matters to all true saints, and, with that, all true saints face matters of a theological nature every day.
In this part of the blog I will have no qualms about pitching it as it is (or better as I see it). If I believe something strongly I will lay it down without even a hint of questioning or apology. On the other hand, if I am wrestling with an issue, I will say so. Further, if I am questioning an issue, even one well accepted by councils and creeds, I will explore this openly without fear of being seen as a heretic for so doing. Sounds a little ‘emergent’, as some would put it, although I find that 'movement,' for the most part, nauseating at best, Satanic at worst!
So that will come too…'KBC Compass' and 'Theology Matters'.
Another avenue I would like to attempt an excursion through is one that reaches a little deeper into an ethical, and so 'counselling', corner.
What to call it??? I don't like the word ‘counselling‘ too much - it seems so plastic and event like to me. Perhaps (I'm musing) 'Fleshing it out'…as in ‘fleshing out’ the Scriptures within the context of 21st century life in South Africa.
This will include questions regarding how to deal with particular, specific problems people face. Divorce and re-marriage etc...But not the theology merely - this must form the basis - but the application thereof into concrete 'real life' situations. These will be sufficiently guarded and somewhat modified so as to protect people from having their problems aired.
'KBC Compass', 'Theology Matters', and 'Fleshing it out'…one more angle, for now, will suffice...'Family First'!
The name says it all. However, when I say ‘first’ I really mean first with respect to all human relationships and dealings. This further must never be seen as in isolation or autonomy from the local church family - heaven forbid! But that as Christians we are to see ourselves as missionaries sent from heaven and our first mission field is our own souls, then, in turn, our wives (as men), next, our kids and so it unfolds through the brethren to the lost.
This is not to say that we are at liberty to neglect any of the above at all. Only that in the order of God's own standards as set out in the Holy Canon, 'Family First,' commands a voice.
Herein I will openly deal with child rearing issues, schooling issues, birth control matters, and sex (without being rude or a prude...which is worse? I think they are equally wicked!), finances - and so debt etc., and conflict resolution, to name what rises to the surface of my mind as I freely ‘muse’ along.
It is probably best to read whatever posts with regard to the fact that this is a blog aimed at adults and so not allowing your children too much liberty as I have not written primarily for them.
Well then, God bless all who may read any of these posts - and do feel free to grapple with me without fear of offense!
It has been a long nursed desire of mine to have a forum where I could record my thoughts and where they could serve, at the same time, by God's grace alone, to edify others as well.
In this blog I will include a 'KBC Compass' wherein I will, from an expositional perspective, noting well the prophetic/providential dynamic to ministry, seek to discern what God is 'saying' to our particular church family, at this particular time, in our particular pilgrimage heavenward. That is to say that I will take the Lord's Day messages - the 'heartbeat of the day' - and highlight these so as to make myself accountable, as a pastor, as well as us as a local church family.
Just in case the word 'prophetic' (above) is causing any 'heartache and pain', as it could, and perhaps should so in view of the rampant modern abuses with respect to this whole matter, allow just a brief explanation. What I am seeking to emphasize is not some new or direct revelation, not at all! All I wish to emphasize is the fact that we serve the living God and that He is in complete control of His churches. He walks among us and speaks to us 'today' in the faithful exposition of His once for all given - and that perfectly so - Word. Simply what I am getting at is that God is speaking to us each week as a particular local expression of His universal Body. Each Lord's Day there is something special from God for us personally. It is perhaps best illustrated in that even the best of sermons on a CD or even DVD cannot replace the holy, prophetic, providential, unique, special, romantic, intimacy that occurs when the bride and her Groom converse in sacred samplings of eternal ecstasy. There is a living aspect to our worship. I, again, have no concern for a 'goose-bump' pseudo theology. What it is that I am seeking to magnify is that God speaks in time and space through His Word soberly and prayerfully proclaimed - using all the rules of sound hermeneutics and an orthodox, propositional, approach to the Bible.
Well that will be the 'KBC Compass'.
I would also like to include in this blog a recurring, albeit somewhat sporadic, entry entitled 'Theology Matters' - obviously a play on the word 'matters'. Theology both matters to all true saints, and, with that, all true saints face matters of a theological nature every day.
In this part of the blog I will have no qualms about pitching it as it is (or better as I see it). If I believe something strongly I will lay it down without even a hint of questioning or apology. On the other hand, if I am wrestling with an issue, I will say so. Further, if I am questioning an issue, even one well accepted by councils and creeds, I will explore this openly without fear of being seen as a heretic for so doing. Sounds a little ‘emergent’, as some would put it, although I find that 'movement,' for the most part, nauseating at best, Satanic at worst!
So that will come too…'KBC Compass' and 'Theology Matters'.
Another avenue I would like to attempt an excursion through is one that reaches a little deeper into an ethical, and so 'counselling', corner.
What to call it??? I don't like the word ‘counselling‘ too much - it seems so plastic and event like to me. Perhaps (I'm musing) 'Fleshing it out'…as in ‘fleshing out’ the Scriptures within the context of 21st century life in South Africa.
This will include questions regarding how to deal with particular, specific problems people face. Divorce and re-marriage etc...But not the theology merely - this must form the basis - but the application thereof into concrete 'real life' situations. These will be sufficiently guarded and somewhat modified so as to protect people from having their problems aired.
'KBC Compass', 'Theology Matters', and 'Fleshing it out'…one more angle, for now, will suffice...'Family First'!
The name says it all. However, when I say ‘first’ I really mean first with respect to all human relationships and dealings. This further must never be seen as in isolation or autonomy from the local church family - heaven forbid! But that as Christians we are to see ourselves as missionaries sent from heaven and our first mission field is our own souls, then, in turn, our wives (as men), next, our kids and so it unfolds through the brethren to the lost.
This is not to say that we are at liberty to neglect any of the above at all. Only that in the order of God's own standards as set out in the Holy Canon, 'Family First,' commands a voice.
Herein I will openly deal with child rearing issues, schooling issues, birth control matters, and sex (without being rude or a prude...which is worse? I think they are equally wicked!), finances - and so debt etc., and conflict resolution, to name what rises to the surface of my mind as I freely ‘muse’ along.
It is probably best to read whatever posts with regard to the fact that this is a blog aimed at adults and so not allowing your children too much liberty as I have not written primarily for them.
Well then, God bless all who may read any of these posts - and do feel free to grapple with me without fear of offense!
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