Saturday, July 23, 2011

Come to Me...I will give you REST!!!

I have felt sick all week!

Since last Lord's Day I have been down with the flue, with the rest of my family. Our house has been a den of sniffles, groaning’s and short tempers.

My regular wake up times have gone for a loop and I have literally slept for about 9 hours each night...that is crazy long for me.

What’s the point in saying that?

Simply to lay a foundation for the fact that with this occasion of sickness and the excuse (legitimate or not) of sleeping in, my personal devotions have taken a back seat.

Sure I live in the 'guilt' charged 'forgive me' zone throughout the day due to this folly, but the fact still stands that I am not where I want to be in my fellowship with my Saviour and Lord. I find myself having little to say in times of ministry and counselling, I find myself detached in my studies and my wrestling with the texts at hand clinical and somewhat removed from a real investigation of the soul that I long for.

This is understandable of course and that for the simple reason that sickness does bring with it times of needed recuperation...but my mind also highlights the fact that many godly saints live, labour and die in a constant condition of pain and suffering.

What do we tell them?

“Never mind meeting with God!”

“He is difficult to fellowship with!”

“Just know He understands your struggles!”


“Sit back, suck up another DVD and seer your conscience!?”

Since when did praying, reading the Bible, listening to sermons, watching Christian DVD's etc. become such a challenge? At least the last illustration can compare to watching TV or a movie of a secular nature! But why is God not ‘fun enough’ (I mean this reverently) to merit a place in my ‘entertainment’ and relaxation and rest?

This is strange to put it mildly, wicked to say it straight!

I recall someone quoting someone else with these haunting yet extremely accurate words, "our congregations need our holiness!"

If this is so as it obviously is then when do we as ministers, as Christians irrespective, ever have a licence to play truant from deep intimacy and heart impassioned fellowship with the all sufficient, infinitely comforting, utterly rest causing Sovereign of glory?

I must come to the place, as it once was (first love stuff!!!), where God is my whole portion, my all in all, my hiding place and treasure and true relief from all of life’s storms!

May this challenge stir your hearts as it has reminded me of the things that really count!

God be our sustenance and our solace!


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