This morning I began to preach through Romans 8:28-30, and I will be finishing that message tonight.
It is part 5 in a series entitled (within the larger epistle) 'Assurance of Glorification'. This particular message received the subtitle 'All things for good' - my points being 1. What bold statement does Paul here make? (V 28) 2. What evidence does he bring to the table? (V 29) 3. What practacle help does this give me? (Matt 6:19ff, Jas 5:10-11).
We saw that the definite group that the apostle has in mind have primarily two descriptions, namely, 'those who love God,' firstly, and then, 'those who are called according to His purpose'.
The latter objective truth is the reason and cause for the former subjective experience. We love Him because He first loved us! This love for God is, again, the subjective aspect that we must seek to either identify within ourselves or discover to be absent. Not to say that we love Him well or sufficiently, far from it, but that we are, with Paul, grieved and groaning and mournful about the fact that we don't as we ought!
Such is a manifestation of this love for God that all true saints should be able to identify within them!
These, as already stated, do so because they are called according to His purpose (eternal decree) and that has, implicitly, its basis as just that - His purpose alone!!!
We are not called according to His prescience (foreknowledge) of what we would do etc. But according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His own will always and without exception!
This then brings us to ask and so answer the question what does this ‘all things’ entail?
The context makes plain that it refers, firstly, to the sufferings of this life. Whether internal (7:24) or external (8:18, 35ff) - however you slice it - sufferings in every conceivable sense are meant.
This however does not limit the intent of 'all things' as some minimalist exegetes may assume. Each and every action, thought, word or aspiration of each and every creature, animate and inanimate, physical or spiritual, visible or invisible must be seen as included in this all-encompassing statement!
The occasion doesn’t limit the ‘clout’ of the theological truth drawn on to meet its specific end!
The all things then are just that 'ALL THINGS'!
God providentially oversees the unfolding of His eternal decree right down to the most evil aspects, and the most seemingly mundane as well. All this without being Himself contaminated in any way whatsoever by the evil therein or, in any sense, taking away the fact that the creature is fully culpable and accountable for his actions that He, the just Judge will hold him to, and call him to give an account for.
So all things work together for good! What is here meant by good? Simply Christlikeness as verse 29 expounds clearly!
Conformity to the image of Christ is the overarching and supreme goal of glorification and that all to God's glory alone! See Job!
By way of an explanation or so as to prove or provide evidence for the bold assertion above the apostle presents the ‘ordo solutis’ (order of salvation) which stretches all the way back to the eternal, intrinsic, free and sovereign love of God for some of Adams fallen race.
This is what the phrase 'those whom He foreknew' means. Not 'that which He foreknew' or 'those whom He foreknew would do this or that (believe/love Him etc.),' but those (themselves) whom He foreknew.
These He also predestined (all of them without exception) and that to be conformed to complete Christ-like-perfection. And incidentally, He will accomplish all His eternal will! (Dan 4:34-35). He gets what He sovereignly decrees!
These same foreknown individuals who have all been predestined by God unto complete Christlikeness He also (without dropping so much as one of them) effectually called…savingly granting faith, repentance, eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to respond favourably to His gospel call.
Every one of those foreknown, predestined to Christlikeness, and called ones say 'yes Lord' to His compelling call and are so (without exception) Justified on the basis of the true atonement of Christ. His righteousness is eternally and so irreversibly traded for their wretchedness by the ‘imputational’ swap that occurs the moment they, by grace, believe.
These foreknown, predestined to be fully Christ like, effectually called, and irreversibly justified ones - each of them, without any falling through the proverbial ‘cracks’, are also, from God's perspective already glorified. This has not yet happened in our lives and even in the case of our departed loved ones, who’s spirits are made perfect, this ultimate hope of glorification will only reach its apex at the second advent of our Saviour and Lord. Suffice it to say that this, as God has eternally planned/decreed/purposed it is as good as done!
All things work together to this ultimate and un-derail-able end of perfect Christ like holiness and glorification. This is progressively realized in the season of sanctification that precedes its fulfilment, but is only fully realized when we enter the judgment through the resurrection, that which itself presents, in our case, the favourable verdict of ‘not guilty’!
This is a tremendous basis and precious hope kindling promise for our glorification to come!
If we love God - as we all do who are truly His - then this is only because He first loved (knew) us! And if this be the case it is absolutely certain that He will perfect the good work He has unilaterally and Omni-potently begun in us (glorification)!
Salvation is all of God and all of grace!
What practacle lessons may now be gleaned?
Simply that if this is God's bent...His passion...His driving interest, namely our sanctification to the ultimate goal of our glorification (complete Christlikeness), then surely we ought to 'join' Him in His purpose to make us like Christ.
So let us not gather treasures on earth - at all! Even our families can be treasures in the wrong sense! Job's weren’t. He, while he had them, offered sacrifices faithfully on their behalf. He was a good dad! When God, through Satan, took them Job responded in a proper manner - the only proper manner! (I have no harshness in my tone as I write these sobering truths).
When we read James' account of Jobs life we may be surprised to find that his narrative may be used as an opportunity to show off the gracious dealings of God in the lives of His children! But if Christlikeness is in view...this apparent problem is quickly resolved.
God is more concerned about our character (Christlikeness) than our comfort (immediate), and more concerned about our holiness (Christlikeness, again) than our happiness (immediate). I add ‘immediate’ for the fact that ultimate comfort and happiness will be synonymous with the former virtues and even now, in part, somewhat coincide!
Let us set our minds on the things that God is after!
Let us give ourselves completely to this end alone!
And let us long for His coming and as it is written in the Revelation of our Lord Jesus say with the Spirit (who is constantly saying, even praying [Rom 8:26-27] to this end), "Come Lord Jesus!"
Praise God forever!!! He alone is worthy!!!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
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