I'm excited...a little nervous too, about what next year has for us as a church family.
I think this year ahead is going to be full of joy and growth in Christ. I pray this will be so.
God has given to each of us at KBC a loving and real Christian family. I can say, honestly and without fear of contradiction, that I love these precious people - the members of Krugersdorp Baptist.
Sad times are ahead too.
Michael and Stacy Lear, with Antje’s and my 'guard' child, little Jonathan, are leaving us to embark upon a ministry in Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg. They are such an asset to us here and will be sorely missed. But God is on the throne! Scottsville Baptist is in for a tremendous blessing indeed.
We have a new deacon...Alan Krause. Alan has joined the others (Peter Gilbert and Alex Gasser) and that as a true and Biblically defined deacon.
Jeremy Pointer, a dear brother, is in the process of steadily readying himself, in every way, to join me (God willing) in the eldership. Lord willing we will have a plural eldership again soon into the New Year.
Vince Krause will begin deacons training in February 2012.
'Year for Life', after a brief 'sabbatical', will begin again next year. Zani Krause is our full time student. Quite a few others have expressed an interest in part time involvement. I would love to see everyone who is able benefit from this wonderful opportunity.
While on the one hand I long to see all our members plug in fully to the life and bloodstream of our fellowship I am increasingly coming to realize that this must come from God at work within them and not from my 'rod' upon them! I must become a man of prayer. While preaching is vital, and exhorting with that...all is meaningless unless ‘bathed’ in the earnest prayers of God's church!
Christianity Explored will begin next year.
Instead of family enrichment courses running throughout, we will have 2 family first conferences…one focusing on marriage, the other on parenting.
Financial training will also become part of the fabric of our calendar.
The Wednesday night ‘School of the Bible’ will focus on an overview of the whole Bible. Not too hectic, not too deep, just a 'book a time' approach - so as to provide the big picture for all.
The 060 ministry will continue almost the same as before baring the fact that I will be heading it up personally.
We will also be starting up 'The Middle Ages', a ministry focusing on those between ages 30 and 60. This for the purpose of assuring that the middle ages don't become the dark ages! This will focus in on mid-life matters. It will be monthly initially and on a Friday night at the same time as the senior youth ministry. Paul David Tripp's 'Lost in the Middle' will provide guidance in the choice of our topics of discussion.
These are just random ramblings out of sequence and without being exhaustive.
Great news regarding a web-page...Jay-Jay and Melanie Stein have been working on this and, Lord willing, we will be officially on line as of next year. This will be a tremendous blessing!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
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