Monday, November 7, 2011

Blogging is for the birds...or is it?

It has been a while since I added to this blog.

The reason...a reaction to the rampant abuse of the social network!

Now all things of this nature are essentially neutral (even positive), but the foolishness that surrounds 'face book' and the like is rife in our least in some of my experiences with those involved therein.

It is amazing how my experience in pastoral ministry and counselling in particular has soured me to the potentially awesome opportunities that the internet affords the guarded and self-controlled!

On that much for my self-control!

Anyway…I have a fresh hunger for God and my ministry here at Krugersdorp Baptist Church. This I attribute to the ‘Spurgeon's Fraternal’ that I had, along with my fellow elder Mike, the privilege of attending last week. God so mightily used this time of mutual encouragement to enliven and stir my heart anew for the things that really matter.

Praise Him forever!

Not much more to say than that we must use all things God gives us for good, as He deems it, and not abuse the same for evil...deep!? Seriously...not so out there, but sometimes the simplest things are the most needed!

God be praised forever and with our all in all!

‘O Lord, I am a frail and tired fool. You are perfect in all Your uncreated, infinitely resplendent virtue. I love You in limping leaps of crippled ecstasy! Revive Your own!’


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